Supplier Code of Conduct

Natures Crops International Supplier Code of Conduct

At Natures Crops, it is our belief and commitment that through our products and processes, and in our own small but meaningful way, we can positively impact the health and wellness of people and our planet. This can be achieved by providing safe, plant-based ingredients with scientifically verified functionality, grown following regenerative agricultural practices, and by conserving natural resources. 

A key part of achieving our commitment is by working closely with our global Supplier partners. Our Supplier Code of Conduct explains how we expect growers, producers, manufacturers, distributors, service or other providers, and vendors, to meet NCI’s 5 foundational expectations. These expectations build our partnerships and to help us achieve our vision and mission to commit to a better planet through our products and processes. These 5 foundational expectations are applicable to all Natures Crops Suppliers and are detailed below. 

Natures Crops Vision

We believe we can all make a difference. We can all make more mindful decisions that collectively yield positive impacts. That’s how we view the opportunity to contribute to our planet’s health and wellness through connecting clearly to people’s desire for the same. Three P’s…. Plant, Process, Products.

Natures Crops Mission

Using regenerative crop production and excellent agronomy to grow specialty crops and using manufacturing expertise and quality, we supply safe, sustainable, science-based, plant-derived ingredients for our commercial partners. Our ingredients help create health and wellness consumer products, while all the time following and being true to our core values.

B Corp

As a certified B Corp, our business is committed to contributing towards an inclusive, equitable, and regenerative economy, delivering positive social and environmental impact.

5 Foundational Expectations

Collectively NCI’s Vision, Mission, and B Corp status form the core of our business values and principles, and our Supplier Code of Conduct looks to our supplier partners to uphold these values and principles as part of our business relationship with them, by meeting these 5 foundational expectations:

  1. 1. We expect our suppliers, as ethical and reliable partners to obey the law and regulations pertaining to their business. 

  2. 2. We expect our suppliers to conduct business with Natures Crops and others with the highest standards of integrity. This includes reporting to Natures Crops any compliance issues with our goods and services, especially when relating to safety or recall concerns.

  3. 3. We support sustainability and encourage our suppliers’ practices to continuously improve sustainability, traceability, regenerative agriculture, and their commitment to positive social and environmental impacts.

  4. 4. We expect our suppliers to keep accurate and honest business and financial records. This includes protecting confidential information of Natures Crops.

  5. 5. We expect our suppliers to honor business obligations and treat people with dignity and respect. This includes compliance with child labor laws, non-discrimination practices, health and safety standards, working conditions, working hours, compensation, right to association, and freely chosen employment. This also includes creating a safe and healthy workplace environment.